Family History
A lot of local history involves the history of people,
who they were, what they did and how they and their families fitted into our community.
Therefore, family history has strong links to local history.
Family History Group
Some of our members are keen family historians and we run an informal group which meets every couple of months to chat. What is discussed varies from meeting to meeting. Often, we help each other with the brick-walls in our own research and report on progress we have made. Suggested research tools and useful websites, family history programmes, dating photographs and using DNA in our research are also often discussed. Some of our group have family from the local area but others don’t.
During the current pandemic we have been meeting on Zoom.
If you are interested in family history and would like to join us at a meeting just contact Kirsten Moon.
Family History Research
We don’t formally conduct family history research for society members or those who contact us. However with our interest in the subject we are keen to help other family historians Therefore if your family has connections to Charing or Charing Heath or environs, we would be delighted to hear from you. We may be able to give you some information. See below for a list of some of the resources we have which may be relevant. Similarly, we would love to know more about your relatives who were part of our local community.
Family History Resources
If you are researching people who might have lived in the Charing area then you may find the following sections of this site useful: