Patricia Winzar 1920 - 2012
CDLHS Chairman 1985 - 2007
Pat had been a member of the History Society since it was resuscitated in the 1970s after a period in limbo. At that time she became Secretary of the Kent County Local History Committee which eventually became the Kent History Federation. She served the Federation in every committee role and became its President in 2003 serving in that role until 2009.
Photograph of Pat by Harold Trill
She studied for a Diploma in Local History run by the University of Kent and received her Diploma, a graduate status award, in 1982. Her diploma thesis was on the topic of trade in 17th century Charing. In 1985 she became chairman of our society and led it with skill and sensitivity for 22 years. She was widely recognised as a researcher of local history – highlights being the discovery of evidence of Roman occupation and the identification of the Manor of Eversley: both here in Charing. She promoted archival research and served on the County Archives Committee and undertook the cataloguing of the parish records that were languishing in a cupboard in Charing Parish Hall, and of the church records originally stored in the chests in the church. She also wrote many articles and presented papers on local history. In June 2005 she received an award from the British Association for Local History in recognition of personal achievement.
She took a keen interest in the writing of our History of Charing and made her personal archives available to the authors as well as authorising the use of her diploma thesis in the writing of the chapter on early modern Charing.